Water Tec Residential Products
Water Softening Systems
Water softening by definition is removing calcium Ca2 and Magnesium Mg2 from the water through a process called ion exchange. The process of ion-exchange uses a polymer resin bed which gives off a sodium or potassium particle in exchange for hardness minerals. This process removes water hardness from the water eliminating scale build up, protecting appliances, water heaters, plumbing fixtures, improving the effectiveness of soaps and detergents.
Scale Reduction
The Evolution SS uses a patented Template Assisted Crystallization Media (T.A.C.) which influences the atomic structure of the water using a physical water treatment. Physical water treatment systems (PWT) are alternative ways to treat water in order to prevent the damage caused by hard water scale.
Reverse Osmosis Drinking
Reverse Osmosis is the process in which tap water is forced through a semi permeable membrane, leaving unwanted substance behind. These substances are rinsed away, resulting in fresh and clean drinking water.
Specialty Products
Systems designed for reduction or removal of a specific water issue, these would include Chlorine removal, Iron & Manganese removal, pH correction, Arsenic reduction, exc. A complete water analysis is required to assist with determining the best corrective action for all of these issues.